Monday, April 21, 2014

Can You Dig It?

Sakes alive, this poster was an absolute bear to complete.  An angry, mother polar bear.  Depicting a favorite film of mine, (1979's "The Warriors) I began this poster back in September with the naive optimism of a five year-old.  Previously, the largest number of characters I'd ever included in a single poster was seven for the Doctor Who poster, (eight if you count the dalek).  But for this poster, I drew 33 individual characters, each one based on a specific actor in the movie.  Sure, some of them are based on extras who are only seen for a moment or two, but I figured authenticity is a mark of true geek devotion and stupidly decided to spend an eon and a half trying to capture the likeness and unique, spiritual essence of every single one of the figures.  But first, I had to spend an eon and a half doing extensive photo research for all the characters.  The other aspects that made this one so time-consuming were the background, which was more involved than I usually go for, and a color and lighting concept that was dark, moody and sometimes difficult to see. 

I essentially put life and REM sleep on hold for two weeks while I tried to crank this thing out in time for my first gallery showing at The Paramount.  My efforts were rewarded when a woman claiming to be the sister of Brian Tyler (who plays Snow in the film) excitedly pointed out her brother on the poster.  She didn't buy one, though.  Nobody bought a Warriors poster.  Doctor Who prints won the day.  But that's okay.  I did this one for myself and only myself.  It's my angry,, mother polar bear rug; proof that I can conquer any beast that comes before me, if only I have the insane will to make it submit.

The Warriors
The Rogues
 The Baseball Furies
 The Turnbull ACs
 The Lizzies
The Punks
The Saracens
 And The Orphans at the bottom of the totem pole

Greg White- Illustration


  1. Any chance you have this up for sale?

    1. Hi Dan L! Yes, I have prints for sale. If you're interested, just contact me at
