Monday, September 12, 2011

Random Bits

My mind has been an unfocused blur for the past month or two, so it only follows that my postings would reflect that. I've been devoting time here and there to a new pulp poster, but it's taken almost a year for me to get it from concept to page, so who knows how long it will take for me to finally post here. My efforts at continuing the "Go With the Flow" and "Robot and the Reindeer" poster series have been stymied by summer creative doldrums and no real exciting personal projects have emerged lately. I have paid the price for my lack of vision. Here are a couple of random pieces I did this summer. The dragon was for a friend's birthday, the subway lady is from a book I did. Hopefully I'll get a creative boost this fall and be able to complete and post some more complex pieces.

Greg White Illustration

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