Friday, August 13, 2010

Gunnar the Merciless

Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted something legitimate, but it's not for a lack of work, I can tell ya. I've been meaning to get this bad boy up since the beginning of June but I just didn't want to take the time to do a write-up for it. Anyhow, this is based on an image of myself and I promise you my muscles are that big. In fact, it's a wonder I can draw at all what with all the superfluous muscle mass bulking up my magnificent upper body. I did a lot of Conan the Barbarian research for this piece and was struck with a realization. Although I was attempting humor with over-the-top violence, the truth is that the authentic Conan paintings are themselves so over-the-top, it's hard to out-do them. I mean, how do you parody something that practically does the job for you in the first place? In the end I think it's the tagline that's the saving grace of this piece. I'm most of the way done with the next painting in the pulp series, which had to be put on the back burner due to another digital painting I had to rush out first. Hopefully I'll be able to get both of those posted soon. Until then, enjoy the gratuitous savagery of Gunnar the Merciless.

Greg White Illustration

1 comment:

  1. you're brilliant, and this is fantastic. and i miss you.
